>>His repetition of things that could be combined into one sentence as well as sentences that could be broken up, but instead go on forever, make my eyes bleed
and what better way to plunger it into your subconscious? - they're called hooks for a reason, and even i use them in my stories
lol i failed english 101 (literally, at university, back in the 70's) but that never stopped me from writing - following rules was never my best trait, and the english language is really nothing more than a collection of rules - words totally suck as a communication method - words are 2d and i like 3d
>>you've got to break complex ideas and theories down into forms the layman/non occultist can understand
indeed, and that precludes all but the most simple of concepts - i prefer nowadays to pass concepts intuitively, to dangle clues leading toward concepts for the people that can grasp the clues - sometimes it comes out like a multi-level parable where the lowest can grasp the simple form, but we have well seen where that gets us in the long run with the bible being dumbed down to the lowest level of meaning, and the rise of fundamentalism
>>'publish or perish'
or sit well behind the scenes, read nary a book, and walk your own path through the wilderness, discovering on your own - the only thing books are good for, imoho, is to point out traps along the path so they can be avoided by the prudent traveller, any other use constrains the practitioner to the pre-conceived ideas and biases in the book! - when does the aspiring chef stop rehearsing the same old ancient recipes and begin to experiment with materials, processes and substances for themselves? -- is this graduation, or is it matriculation?
This post has been edited by esoterica: Nov 30 2009, 10:16 AM