QUOTE(Igisi @ Oct 26 2009, 01:10 PM)
is anyone here actively seeking longevity or any kind of psuedo-physical immortality? if anyone is, im curious as to what you may have found out about it or what is useful.
Hello, my field of interest is energy work and the like(I guess it has manny elements of all past interests such as reiki, ceremonial magick and resembles in part psychic workings, though i am for the last 4 to 6 years mainely concentrated on energy work since it gave best and quickest results).
I am quite interested in eternal life, hehe as most of humanity in reality(hence the fascination with vampire fiction and movies xD in my opinion at least) and anyone who isnt is just excepting their limitations as they are, and have invested some time in researching it(energy wise). Must say that theories i have in abundance and some tests with more original idea's though i must say i am not sure i am even close to a 100% solution. I guess we wouldnt know, would we? unless i care to step infront of a moving truck which i would prefer not to hehe... Over the years(and im not that old mind you only turning 23 next month) i have thought a lot about what immortality could mean and of course my view of the world and pool of expirience did change and grow quite a bit since then. Im sure there is a way, anything can be achieved and done if you know the way to do it. Question is what form of immortality is even possible? I mean even now we have(some of us) the tools to extend our health and youthfull appearence(and yes i mean magick wise and not the obvious mask of makeup and eating right+exercise) but it doesnt mean we live forever or that we cannot die if someone cuts our head off or if we get a life threatening desease that we dont know how to fix... so you see? a lot can allready be achieved but i guess if only we were all millionares with only our main interests at hand to worry about we could hurry up and get a 100% answer to the next steps and the bigger picture. I guess all i have for now is a bunch of theories(that keep growing+some basic application techniques) and patiance. xD I guess you are a bit dissapointed after reading everyones repli'es(including mine XDDD) but what can you expect?
Regarding the theories i would like it to be "ill show you mine and youll show me yours" type of deal just so i get some more out of this conversation other then answering a question and putting my views on display. (IMG:
So anyway, manny thoughts about this came to mind. When i was little and just started this whole thing, vampirism did seem the obvious suggestion to an idea that might be done(at least the idea behind it of adding the life source of others to your own to extend yours, which can be easily taken from others). Thing is that life force can only be taken in rather small daily ammounts(which we all replanish ourselves with daily), which i guess isnt that helpfull is it? but go figure. Other ideas like if your will and energy system becomes stronger and energy reserves become bigger so will your health expend(sorry for a lack of better words this isnt my native language) and your life as a result, which basicaly translates in my mind to "keep doing what your doing and hope for the best" xDDD which isnt much of an instant reassurance for the rest of my life(be it eternal or not) which basicaly is what we are all looking for while searching for these things. Later came the idea of perheps changing your energetic structure and vibration into a form that could trigger phisical change to support eternal life(the most recent idea from about two years ago) but then of course came the wall of "change into what?" without permenantly damaging yourself\and\or disfiguring yourself into something horrific in the process. Also like someone allready said, which again is not a 100% reassurance, you can apply healing techniques to prevent illness and to extend your life, but(!) i would like to add to that the application of keeping yourself looking youthfull and making those small adjustments with some body and mind(through subconcious translation between the two) work and use of proper energy channaling within yourself to make those adjustments over time.
So to cut things short i hope those ideas amused you xDDD as much as they did myself a while back. Other then that my ultimate conclusion is patiance, since with every new piece of understanding\expirience that i uncover my full view of the world enhances and so do my opinions and solutions to situations. So what i am only guessing at at the momment could have a simple answer to what i just couldnt consider because my "full picture of things" was'nt yet full enough. (IMG:
style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) So we can work at theories endlessly and around the clock but they are only theories because there is a piece missing in that picture to make it a fact(which is a full understanding and not the result of course which can be achieved if we just had that).
Hope this helps and i got my idea through fully with all my typo's xD and odd sentances. (IMG:
This post has been edited by Shimi: Feb 17 2010, 05:22 PM