QUOTE(ARSIS-R @ Mar 31 2010, 01:44 AM)
There are so many ways to the prefection. There is no wrong one. We are not sheep. We will not follow.... we will go by our own legs, by our own way, by our own will. Coz of this we became magicians, coz we found our road. If person want to go by the way of the cognıtive and emotional development, let him go. If he want to go by the way of óh so special` skills... let him go.
İ am not suggestıng a matter of conformity and if ı do i deeply apologize for the mısconception. Grım´s original post sounded lıke.
There are so many ways to the prefection. There is no wrong one. We are not sheep. We will not follow....
Arsis; what exactly is this perfection you are addressing?
I understand İ may have hit a trigger and İ apologize for this but İ was under the impression that we were discussıng efficacy of technique (or at least that was what İ pıcked up). As sentients in presumably human bodies İ can justly say that we share 99 percent of the genetic code and our psychological and spırıtual functıons are limited to a certain span as long as we are bound to existing ın. Thus İ would suggest a more pragmatic basis in which obtainıng the desired results in the fastest and safest way are the priorıty.