Exercise and good health are key to living longer but both ultimately contribute to the aging process rather than stop it out right. Aging is is the process by which the cells in the body lose their ability to reproduce and organs stop functioning gradually over time. If you could find some sort of genetherapy or some mechanism to rejuvenate the cells of the body you could potentially life forever, barring that you die from something other than aging. I think true immortality is physically impossible. Over time everything on an atomic level breaks down into different elements. This decay may take billions of years in some cases but no matter what one does they will eventually cease to exist in their current state of physical existance.
As far as spiritual immortality I think that is the goal of most major religions - To trancsend this physical world into some sort of endless state of bliss in harmony that never ends. But mainstream science doesn't say much about the spiritual aspects of longevity and those that do are usually debunked and branded as hacks.
I also agree that logevity is not something that everybody should be given. I mean think if everybody lived even just 3 or 4 centuries. Think we have a health care problem now? On the other hand as we advance technologically, we shouldn't set up systems that pick and choose who can and cannot be given longevity treatments. What I mean is as long as we have the food, water, shelter and energy to sustain a population I think it would be appalling to have a system that picks who lives and who dies. But if we ever develop singularity or quantum reactors and develop endless food and water and can sustain a habitable climate on this world or abroad, I think living even just 500 years would be pretty cool. So in the mean time I plan to have myself cryogenically frozen until such a world exists cause I am planning on living forever! (IMG: