It is impossible to ferret out information when none is given.
Hello, this is one of my last attempts to find the answers I have been searching for; here is my story:
This would imply that you are reaching a 'end' of your search. Why?
Ever since I was younger there has always been something different about me, one of those things you can just feel. There are points and times in my life that I have no memory of yet my long term memory serves me quite well. I have always been smart, intuitive, a fast learner and very quick at adapting. I have memories or dreams of lives that are not my own. I have always been a very nocturnal person, but the day time serves as no real obstacle for me. I am a people person and a social butterfly, hell, I’m a social network of butterflies lol. My clairvoyance seems to be above the normal déjà vu. When thinking about somebody, it is not at all unlikely for them to call, text, or show up. I can read people very well, and most have no problem opening up to me; it is as if they don’t have a choice. My personality is that of an extrovert, I draw most of my energy from others around me, but I have no problem with a supply of my own. It as if I am feeding from it somewhere whether it is around me or not, and to top it off I can go extremely long periods of time without food. allusion to your possible 'theriomorph' condition. You pattern like a psychic vampire. Alot of theriomorphs do...
. When I was younger I would have strange dreams apart from the others dreams that I couldn’t quite explain. When I was in my early teens I tampered with magic not understanding the full extent of it. I think I opened something in me, something that made me stronger, made me more, but it terrified me and I performed one last spell to lock it away behind a wooden framed door with a skeleton keyhole in my mind.
You alone hold that key... I suggest that you dig up everthing from your past that might pertain. Since you are not that old, the memories should be fairly fresh. Especially so if you are as talented as you say you are.
But in the past year maybe two it’s like something is stirring inside me; crawling through my veins. One other thing, even in the years that things died down again, the full moon has always fascinated me and it makes me crave, it makes me feel odd, and it makes me feel alive. Crave what, you may ask, but I do not know the answer to that question. Though often feels as if I need to feed off of energy, or some sort of power source, I tend to be more active on the fool moon, and I tend to stay around people or music that makes me feel well energized.
Again, the lunar influences, ones of glamor and change. What kind/brand of magic did you practice?
I have a very strong belief in my opinions, beliefs, and morals
I have a very deep history, though I do not know a lot about it.
That leaves us both at the base of your stone wall.
There is alot of the melodramatic about your post. You come close to giving some clues and then backpedal away. A good place to start would be to go to the Member Profile Page and fill it in as much as possible. If you expect or even want people to help you, you must be willing to meet them half-way! I'd be more than happy to help but I can't work with what you've given me. And...for the record, I'm old enough to be your great-grandfather and when you present TRIPE, that is what you'll get! Capiche?