The Bible is contradictory because it is a library of books by different authors whom have diverse opinions and experiences.
Christ is the Magnum Magus. Chist exorcised , interpreted dreams , healed , raised the dead , and had visions and mystica unia.
Chakras, Kundalini and the tattwas predate Christianity in the Vedas but The 7 Golden Lampstands of the body are described in the Bible and these are the 7 chakras. The trifold cord is in the Bible and it is the triple flame on the human energy body it is the funicular to monad and God in Ida, Pingala and Sushumna.
Dream Interpretation , Projection in a merkabah , communication with angels and demons,exorcism, healing , life after death , communication with deceased spirits and communication with God are all in the Bible . The Bible is full of magick.
There is a Biblical Emerald Tablet or rather two of them one in Ecclesiastes and another in Revelations some count a third in Psalms. In the Gnostic Gospel of Judas Christ asks the apostles to come out of themselves as the perfect man and only Judas can. Then he projects out of himself as a circle of angels and then as a legion of angels. He asks the apostles to follow him to Barbello the home of his Grandmother in heaven but only Judas can try. Judas laments that he was able to follow Christ to the realm but he can not enter through door but sees the light emanating through the crack on the floor. The Cosmic Christ continues to teach to all with great love irregardless of their path or their belief system. He teaches healing ,ascension alchemy, exorcism, peace and forgiveness
Not all magick is non Christian. Not all Magick is against God . For example, Kaballah , Mysticism, Healing , Exorcism , Projection , Mediation , Mediumship , Hermetic Magick et cetera are not against God .
The dualities of Heaven and Hell , good and evil and Angels and demons does not have its origins in Christianity. Hels exist in many pantheons Heavens do to. Demons are part of the ancient Vedic literature of the Hindu faith and Buddhist philosophy as well as the Abrahamic Religions.
~*~Love , Light n Laughter, Aunt Clair ~*~