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 Another Freeform Banishing Ritual, Just a simple experiment
post Jul 17 2010, 09:04 PM
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Hiya everyone, I was doing some reading and practice on the principles of a banishing ritual/technique (still a rookie here), and in the end, after trying several methods (the lesser pentagram and several of its variation, as well as Mace's technique of the pillar of fire and the 3 rings) I still don't seem to find one that fits me well (either the ritual feels a little too complex for me, or it just doesn't ring a bell inside me)

So I try to structure a technique for my own use based on the principles that I've learned and gathered, and decide to share it here to find some input

The first thing to do is to exhale and inhale, breathe normally and easily until you think you are ready

During this preparation state, choose and visualize a structural form to act as somewhat of a holding space for the conjurer to work in, make sure that the chosen form feels sturdy, safe and comfortable enough, and that it can be visualized clearly and vividly as well

(it seems that the most commonly used form that I've read so far is a sphere or any other derivative of the circle structure, but it's somehow a little hard for me to visualize a stable and sturdy form based on the circle structure, so i use another geometric form)

When you're ready, breathe and accumulate the energy, and then expand your space rapidly, fortify your space at the same time by visualizing the creation of your chosen border form in an instant (the expansion works best for me if i do it in a rapid-explosion-like manner)

When you're done, do stabilize yourself and relax your tension, exhale calmly and slowly, normalize your breathing

Make sure the border form that you made were created nicely and sturdy enough to act as a barrier while you do your work, make sure it's not to small, or not too large that you might feel unsettled or unsafe

Keep inhaling and exhaling to settle your breath
When you think you're ready, breathe and accumulate the energy once more, hold and let it energize, and then release the energy in a calm and soothing manner, slowly but surely, to fill up your space with the essence of your soul

And that does it, ritual completed!
I don't know whether this'll work on anyone, since the system is made for my own use, but i guess the concept might be usable to someone

The concept i used was to first clear the space from unwanted energy, then to create a barrier-like form to protect the conjurer from outside influence (make you feel safe, a feeling of security), connect to the conjurer preferred source of existence (the source of energy), and then fill the space with the ether that suits you the most (ether == substance to fill that space, fire, white light, white mist, etc)

Inputs anyone?

From what I read, the banishment ritual was done to cleanse as well as to fortify one's space from unwanted influence, the word banish does sounds powerful for this purpose, but it also sounds like forcing something out in a forceful and rather harsh manner for me

And because of that, I don't really know whether this technique can to be called a banishing ritual actually, because I don't employ any harsh of forced intention to banish anything here, what I wrote was more like a technique to clean and claim a space for myself, but I don't know any other word that might portray it better as a magickal term, so I use the term banishing ritual

If anyone got a better term, please do inform me (IMG:style_emoticons/default/wink.gif)

This post has been edited by arkham: Jul 17 2010, 09:25 PM

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post Jul 23 2010, 10:05 AM
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So, if I catch it correctly, the problem is about understanding what the infinite is?
Hmm, lets see what I can come up with about that

Note: Another long post here, sorry

If I'm not mistaken, the Tao approach of the concept of Tao is that, Tao is simply Tao, the Tao that can be spoken of is not the real Tao
This concept causes some to not try to define what Tao is, because Tao is simply Tao

That, in my perspective, is correct, one cannot define what the Tao is, because if it can be defined, then it is not the real Tao
But is defining the Tao something that should not be done?

In my perspective, the concept and the teachings of Tao, is the concept for the soul
It was not meant to be understandable, because the soul does not understand, the soul simply knows

The act of understanding something, is the action of the mind, not the soul
There's a bit of an approach difference here, the mind was designed to rationalize everything
The mind, cannot understand abstraction, and because of that, the mind tries to put abstraction into scopes and contexts, in order to understand it

Based on the layers that I stated before, the soul/subconscious, does not need to understand, because it is located closer to the infinite/Tao than the mind is (our mind is closer to the plane of physical existence), and because it's closer to the source, it knows everything that one needs to know, it has access to the collective consciousness that is Tao

So, where am i going with this?

The concept that I always use when I try to understand the Tao is the concept of duality
Duality is not the manner of Tao, duality is not the manner of the One that is All
But duality, is indeed the manner of existence, or so I perceived

The mind can't understand the true manner of the One, but the mind can try to rationalize the form of the One based one's own perspective
By rationalizing the form of Tao, one would not get what the real Tao is, because the Tao that can be spoken is not the real Tao

But by rationalizing the Tao, one can get at max half the cookie of what Tao is really is
The other half, must be experienced and simply known by the unconscious/soul, not by the mind

Some people have better grasp on the concept of Tao from the soul approach, but they don't want to rationalize it, some just don't believe that the infinite can be rationalized, it's just not how things go, Tao can only be experienced, not to be understand, god is god, god is not to be defined by a human, what's in a human that made him worthy of judging what god is? such arrogance, forgetting one's place in the world...

Some people have a very good theory on what the Tao is from the mind approach, but they don't want to see it from the soul perspective, simply because its irrational, everything always have an explanation, a logic explanation, and that covers this thing called god as well

In my personal opinion, both of them are extreme polarity, polarity doesn't lead to the ultimate, polarity leads to duality
If one wishes to understand the concept of the infinite, one needs to have a balance between both polarity

My personal opinion again, is that the mind actually possess the ability to rationalize the needed portion of what god is, and that the soul is actually willing to tolerate what the mind is trying to do

Back to the method, to create an impenetrable barrier, then one would need to grasp the totality of the One, from the soul and the mind perspective, 100%
But if one does that, one wouldn't need to create an impenetrable barrier, what for, one would already become the ultimate if 100% is achieved, there would be no need to protect oneself by creating a barrier, that barrier and all the affliction that one tried to protect from is the same thing, it is oneself

Because of that, I theorize that, there is no need to understand the one 100%, all one need to create a strong barrier is a strong enough state of soul and mind, but in a balanced state, not too much gap
On how to fill the gap, well, everything strives to reach balance, so I don't think there's a need to worry about how to fill the gap, it'll close down by itself as long as one let one's interpretation of everything to be loose enough, have no judge of everything, just let the mind free, and the soul will come

The barrier won't be perfect, but as long as we still exist in existence, there is no perfection in the ultimate sense of perfection, all there is is a chaotic sense of perfection, a state of chaotic balance between the two extremities of the mind and the soul

And that is how I see it, thoughts?

This post has been edited by arkham: Jul 23 2010, 10:24 AM

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