Kraig has a new edition of his book out with a nice looking cover page... there were, from what I remember, mistakes in the other issue.
Have found that the G.Dawn text tend to be open yet discreet, open in the sense that all the information and rites are there, discreet in that its left upto you to peice together what should be done with it... they've basically laid out information en mass with suggestions as to how you can actually piece it all together to create an improved whole... at least thats what I'm ''finding'' (commas suggesting its something I've noticed but haven't really looked into) its possible, I think, to create an active holistic system from the G.Dawn manuscripts, when I say holistic I of course mean whole, a system that has you incorporate every aspect of your life into its practice so that its lived as a culture rather than practiced once a day and done away with... if you look all the relevant bits and bobs are there but scattered throughout the main text, a system is within the fragments of another system, is interesting.
Always good to banish after a ritual, its like washing the dishes after a good meal, granted you could have had a salad but it will still attract bugs and such, certain things don't know good from bad, happy rolling in dung just as well as they are anything else... can make for a difficult nights sleep .lol. Also shows respect for others who may not be so well inclined to the energy you've just invoked. Not that I'm speaking from experience.