So, I'm curious about what the views are of past lives on here? I'm of Sicilian/French heritage and come from plain families- my dad (the sicilian side) are just a long line of fisherman (or so Ive been told), and my mom doesnt know anything about her background except that she is french and has lineage rooted in the south. Now, growing up I have always had a higher knowledge and deep connection that I cannot explain to Ancient Greece (especially Aphrodite and their religious beliefs) and also to Gypsies. When I was little I used to have daydreams of dancing in gypsy attire around a fire, and also of running through corridors of ancient Greek temples and watching the sun set and celestial changes. Is it possible I have a connection to these places/periods of time because of a past life? Why could I feel so strongly connected? My family knows nothing about Romani people or Ancient Greece except for me having read up on the subjects so I know I havent heard it from them somewhere. Any explanation at all?