LOL great thoughts think alike! i've been wandering about possibility of a fungus deity for a long time, A certainly i'm sure with the thousands of years of magic mushroom consumption among humans, These topics have had me musing on the idea that maybe the distinctive souls of every living creature to have existed might be embodied in a kind of god-form. I was thinking that a theoretical pantheon of identified prehistoric species could be a lot more powerful than the creatures of the pokimonicon.. Dose Deity get stronger with having had it's 'likeness' having actually happened in nature?
I can't say i'm in any great state of understanding when it comes to alternate dimensions, but serpose that all living creatures 'create' or become part of an after-life, or maybe just 'intelligent' life either way their has been many great flushes of intelligent creatures existing on this planet, an often they die off on mass, but in a spiritual sense they would continue but would be unable to reincarnate. The souls of the dead unable to participate in our universe anymore would stretch the fabric of our reality to form a new one, maybe not as powerful, maybe quite different, where the destruction did not take place. I'm not sure believe that, but if i did i would see the 'fairy land' universe as being populated by the descendants of some of the many different species of humanoid that where wiped out by a big volcano.
Is their any real limit to the amount of reality's that could exist?