Spare illustrated a magical technique that has proven effectiveness...if you'll pardon the topic digression. Sigilize your desire(s). Do a few, placing one sigil on one card. Shuffle them up and put them down for a fortnight. 2 weeks or so later (at this point, you will have forgotten conciously what the sigil represents...your subconcious will know but not the concious) , take one card and cast the spell...(raise some intense energy, focus on the sigil, fire energy in shape of sigil) turn around, reshuffle card back into the deck and forget about it! Spare used sex magic to launch his sigil spells (some of them anyway). By forgetting the sigil one has redirected the concious mind on towards other things, allowing the subconcious to act directly on the sigilized wish. Presto! This forgetting may be tied back to the discussion by what it does in manifesting results...something like 'sleeping on the problem...' I'm rambling now...