A "servitor" is chaos magick jargon for a thought form that you want to make tangible in some way. In the extreme, among veritable shamans, the thought forms created can appear and act as phantoms. YOur average Chaos mage is not at this level but can get effects nonetheless.
Simply put, you must have a very clear image of the form, purpose, and personality/temperment of the serviitor. Then you hold this image (as in concentration type meditation for several days or weeks) and project this thought intensely until it seems strong enough to either test or fulfill a task. Some mages will go through a ritual of creating a sigil, a name, a container, a birthing, etc. of their servitor. I've gone through this rigamarole but I'm not sure that it is necessary or adds any oomph to the end result but a name and sigil for your mind to grasp and launch when you want to work with the servitor is reasonable. When I use a servitor, I imagine its form and feeling and strongly imagine it springing out of me to do whatever it is to do. You can practice expressing thought forms with magically inclined friends by asking them to concentrate on impressions of the atmosphere while you imagine that you are projecting a thought form. For example, I have a young friend who is working on a servitor that has the form of a werewolf. Before this was disclosed to me, we were practicing thought form reading and I would "see" a dark, thin, animal-like thing spring out of his forehead and stand beside him.
Leaving aside those principles of magic that play on the superstitious and that, whatever they be, are unworthy of the general public, we will direct our thoughts only to those things that contribute to wisdom and that can satisfy better minds . . . -from De Magia by Giordano Bruno (born 1548; burned at the stake February 16, 1600). My Webpage