Honesty can be the most painful thing. let him deal with it. Don't hold back, if he can read your mind then be as drastically honest as you desire, if he can't handle it then its his own problem, you can hate him love him and whatever spontaneous thoughts you feel like thinking. In other words, think as you would anyone else, reading minds is a two way street for the most part so this might be hard because you are most likely experiencing a forced mutual train of thought. that means that these thoughts you feel he is aware of are his also his own aswell, only he is more practiced at avoiding the associated fear in thinking them in a mutual manor. Give up the fear, or if you feel it, know it is his own, you have nothing to fear as this is his own doing.
It is very hard to do this kind of thing in anything other than an incredibly trusting relationship, If he is inducing it in a circumstance other than this then it is his own problem to deal with so let your issues of distrust become his-own.
Having said that their is many ways to do this kind of thing, and they all require harsh lessons too be learned, weather he is able to learn them in this life remains too be seen.. Try to discribe what deviations you feel you have in the way you feel and think, as i said, their are a lot of variations in the way it is used.
Watch what he intends through observing what _you_ think, the quality of the intention will become obvious, don't be harsh on the lad, tell him when he goes wrong.
One way or another, don't let this kind of thing cloud your judgment as to whether you want to be with this man, your judgment is your own. You can do whatever you want, HE has to adapt, if he was a master at this then you wouldn't be worried, so for now, you are his teacher.
From a man going through very similar issues.