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 To Keep Silence!, *ADVANCED* Occult/Mystical Question!
post Jul 31 2011, 09:34 PM
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Occultists and Mystics, I trust you will use your Wisdom in reading in-between the lines below, and answer this complex question (which is a struggle for me).
I thank you in advance for reading this post, and for your delicate attention.

"To know, to dare, to will, and to KEEP SILENCE."

A bit of History is in order.

Agrippa's authority on the matter is found in his Three Books of Occult Philosophy.

Lisiewski holds that the operation ought to be performed 'alone' in "Ceremonial Magic and the Power of Evocation."

The temple area should not be entered, nor items touched or seen. If they are, "there can be severe problems for the Magician unless reversed..." But how?!

"Howlings" is strict about even 'touching' the box in which the ritual item (even ordered under the proper auspices) is contained until the right moment!

If our ritual tools or space is invaded by another's mind (via a thoughtform, for example), or touched by another's body--there can undoubtedly be issues unless the Teacher, for instance only, senses it is is O.K., or has a knowledge of the phases of the moon, or has a power or knowledge to "fix" the problem by dictating the student how to solve the 'matter.'

I know a married individual who performed evocations and magic for years and never once let his own wife know! Whether is true or not is open to your own interpretation.

I've thrown away items myself for fear that I had broken a rule. But I did not count the cost, and started over.

I am referring to a System of Magic that is being STRICTLY observed!

To keep silence.

I personally moved away from Ceremonial Magic and transferred into Mysticism (another system entirely).

But as the saying goes, "Boys and their Toys." Some things never change, do they?

**So I purchased a magical item with my boyfriend and the seller used another tool to help me choose it (the latter also purchased). These were under no magical auspices by the way. My boyfriend witnessed my purchasing of it, but I somehow felt that a part of his thought transferred into the item, not making it less powerful necessarily (power is in MY mind), but I feel awkward that if we break up for any reason (or fight etc), the item will be tainted with that memory because it was MARKED by an experience of an old lover, for instance. I would want to keep the item but it may be a distraction for my intention. I have decided to keep the item anonymous for a couple reasons, but also because technically, it could be ANYTHING. This is the "problem" I am addressing in my post. He knows about the item, but he was not of a magical mind that I know of, at the time of the purchase. Whenever I use the item, he seems to be "associated" with it.**

I have since allowed him to use it with me in a moment of great, great, trial which instantly brought about results--but this was MY choice.
I have also allowed others with Mystical mindsets to see and handle it but only because I allowed it!

I have allowed him to use other items such as stones etc because it was MY choice but something about a romantic association with him really bothers me. It becomes a memory in the past if anything goes wrong and will distract me from my INTENTION since it is a magical item being used with mystical techniques (to help me FOCUS mainly).
His thoughtforms of contempt for the item which I am using perhaps after a fight for example (even though it it's physically hidden) may interfere. He has just almost always been around with me at the time of my purchases--it's just the way it has happened.

Should these expensive items be discarded? How can I resolve this issue in my own mind mystically, magically, psychologically?

I know a Mystic that saw this item and he said "what you bought was sacred." If you have any doubts simply say, "It is cleared." He also said that Magical items are only allowed to be used if permission from the Magician is obtained. One's choice is Sacred and there is only a movement forward. But that nagging association...

Alas! What if someone by accident sees the item? A nosey cleaner for example, that was let into the home while one was away

To keep silence.

I know a VERY GOOD friend that joined a Magickal group and told me very personal things even after his dedication. One of the rules is that "nothing can be said" lest disaster befall him. But we have both exchanged Magical secrets so it seems to work for him.

To keep silence.

What is the underlying Magical/Mystical LAW concerning letting others into the innermost chambers of one's mind? I want to work within that Law (who doesn't) in order to bring about the highest results through myself. I seem to be standing in my own way, but there is certainly a form of "cognitive dissonance" here that I can no longer ignore.

The rule seems to be broken for Magical friends, love interests etc.

My question lies in associated memory (of a past date entering a magic store) with a love interest and buying an item with which one is now trying to focus--causing distraction--even his obliteration of an operation due to possible subconscious negative thoughts.

It's complicated, but at the time I trusted and now have what seems to be a technical question.

But to keep silence?

This post has been edited by novadood: Jul 31 2011, 09:49 PM

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post Oct 16 2011, 11:24 PM
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Hi. Guess I might as well chime in here.

Bardon is on of the major writers to expand on the four pillars of the magickal arts. To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Keep Silent. To Know means to do the study and aquire the knowlege of how magick works. To Dare means that instead of just being an armchair magician, you actually DO the work, put in the practice and thats how you get results. To Will means you put your WHOLE being into the work, into everything you do. To Keep Silent means just that, you dont talk about the magick you are working on, studying, or practicing.

One reason that Bardon gives for the silence part is that true magick IS a sacred art, and its not for everyone. If every single person on earth woke up tomorrow with the ability to do all the things in Bardons system, the world would most likely come to an end before lunch....at least humanity would. People would be killing each other magickaly left and right. Millions of people would be magickaly controlling other peoples minds, etc. Some things really are best left to people who are willing to work for them, because part of gaining the ability is that you also have to develop the maturity to not misuse the powers you develop. Its sort of built into the system......you wont really master a magickal ability until you are mature enough not to misuse it.

As Bardon explains, there are higher powers in the universe that form a sort of heirarchy in the magickal world, and if you run around blabbing your mouth to everyone you see, then those powers WILL slow down, or stop completely, your magickal development. On the other hand, a person who shows thru actions that he will hold magick as sacred and not reveal his hard one secrets to the common man will be given more secrets that lets him develop faster.

So....thats one very big reason for the importance of keeping silent.

The other is this....every spell you cast or send out into the universe has a certain amount of energy tied up with it. That energy is going to seek the shortest route to manifestation. IF you talk about the spell you just cast, guess what? You just allowed the spell to manifest in a quick and easy way.....by your talking about it. Every time you talk about a spell, you ARE tapping into the energy of that spell and allowing that energy into the world thru your words. If you Keep Silent, then the spell has to find another way to manifest into this world, and so it will most likely manifest by actually working and causing the thing you cast it for to happen in this world.

Cast a spell for something small, then go brag about it to friends and see if the spell works. THEN go cast that same spell, and this time keep Silent, all the while holding the idea in your head that your silence only adds power to the spell and will cause it to work in order to make the energy you put into it manifest. If you follow this simple rule, you should see succesful results of your spells skyrocket.

If your looking for a system that has Silence as one of its main components then I would recommend Initiation Into Hermetics as the place to go. Bardons entire magickal system is based around those Four Pillars.

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