I was curious as to how members here see things such as auras and other things that the normal person does not see. Like me i noticed that i see sylphs really easy when i asked few of my family and friends they said they had no clue they had never seen anything like that. I also can see auras somewhat ok every now and then when im just spaced out i admit im not the best at seeing them as i have not practiced that much. So how do you see? I have always found it intriguing to here how others view the world. I also have something with my eyes have had it my whole life i have very good vision but at any time at will i can make everything blurry but not like i cannot see it's almost like it disperses light. and makes everything closer but like even a little red dot looks like a fire work of light. No one else i have ever talked to can do this. Not sure exactly what it even is i sometimes do it whenever i get nerveous seems to calm me down. But nevertheless getting of topic so how do others here see the world around you?
When the devil cries in agony who then comes to his aide.