Contemplation of any given idea, though, is as simple as sitting down quietly somewhere and allowing your mind to wander, let it spiral downward into the unconscious, and allowing the material there to 'coagulate' you might say, around the point of focus, in this case, the concept of the griffin.
That's more or less what I'm going for. I think that's the best approach to something that hasn't been encountered before. After that comes more involved workings.
To have a mythological animal as a potential totem, to me, first suggests more of an interest in stories than in the actual world. What I mean is that, philosophically, it could indicate more of an interest in theory than practice, or in the perception of the world rather than the world itself. If that makes sense. The man who reads about the world, rather than going out and exploring it.
Don't you think you may be assuming a bit too much? I'll admit that I'm a bit naive to the concept of totems and spirit animals, what they mean, and how they interact with us spiritually. But hey, I'm going to find out.