If you just want a taste of what prana is then you can simply breath using the complete breath from above. Focus on your nostril, then on your breath flowing in and out of your nostril. Once you have stabilize that concentration focus on the edge of the nostril and the feeling of breath on that spot. Then focus on that feeling without awareness of the physical spot. Do so for a long time. When you stop the practice pay attention to the feeling in your nose. What it feels like, where that feeling comes from, and where it goes.
If want a more impressive display of prana you can do 1:1 breathing by inhaling with both nostrils open then closing your active nostril with a finger and then exhaling. Keep that nostril closed and inhale, then close the other nostril and exhale. Replete until you reach the end of your practice time and make sure you end by exhaling through the blocked nostril.
I will try this sometime. I think what I'm trying to get out of pranayama is firstly awareness of prana, then a degree of control, and if I understood correctly, mastery of prana should also assist out-of-body experiences; the energetic body is the pranic body after all. Is that correct? I haven't had an out-of-body experience and was hoping that pranayama might assist the process of achieving it. And what about forms of energy work such as reiki or any other kind? Will mastery of prana assist energy practices?
Did you keep track of when you started the practice and when you finished?
No, I don't keep track of my meditative practices. I typically do them daily at night, although I do miss a day here and there.