Hey all, first post ever right now. Interesting subject as I unconsciously blow lightbulbs when I get angry or suitably upset and unconsciously cause spoons (even solid brass and silver, in front of people) to break, get hot or bend while simply holding them. I went through a breakup years ago and while eating soup the very next day the spoon itself broke off the handle on three directly linear occasions. After the third spoon fell into my soup, I gave up on soup. We have regular "rapping" of tunes I am humming around the house and I have gone to open a door (once only and fairly recently) that was locked and deadbolted, only to have it swing open for me while I fiddled with the keys. The most recent and possibly strangest event I have been experiencing on this subject is for the first time consciously causing a connection between my outstretched fingers on each hand to appear to such a degree that my wife and a no longer close associate were able to view what they described as "dark wavy lines". So there ya go. First post here over. Unfortunately despite my gris gris and hoodoo leanings, I have little control over this phenomena. The only tangible evidence of it is I have a regular emf reading of 14.4 on any detector held near me both inside and outside our home. At about half a metre out (sorry imperial users) it drops to ambient readings. (IMG:
style_emoticons/default/smile.gif) Thanks for having me Sacred Magick. Hope to get to know some of you.