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 Considering Taking Up Luciferianism, Dangers?
post May 26 2015, 11:08 AM
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Hello, I'm new to the forum and I am looking into taking up Luciferianism. I have been fascinated with the dark arts since a very early age, but was always scared away from it due to bad experiences in a house I lived in as a young child. (I remember very little but my mother used to vividly describe the "happenings" in the house and always warned me off black magic.)
Of course I'll read books and look into it more and more before doing anything practical. But one thing in my opinion more valuable than books is the opinions of those with experience.
For 10 years I've considered myself a pagan, with beliefs in multiple deities and spirits that were never human. My interest has always been with Norse paganism and I have dabbled with runes and Galdr.
But something has always drawn me to the mythology surrounding demons and Lucifer. I don't know what it is, it's like a magnet. I despise everything about Christianity and have done for years.

But what I'm wary of, is with dabbling with the left hand path, is attracting demons that could harm my family. Has anyone practicing had any bad experiences with such things?

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tyrulf   Considering Taking Up Luciferianism   May 26 2015, 11:08 AM

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