Greetings everyone,
First of all, Thanks to "Bym" for letting me know about such a great book, "Initiation into Hermitics" by Franz Bardon. I did couple of exercises describe in the book that work very well. But when it comes to elementaries (Method 2 on page 200) there were few things that were confusing.--------------------First the author says, after the creation of clay figure insert a nail from the head to make a hollow space, put a cotton wad into it, then fluid condenser. If the magician is creating the elementary for his own purpose, he must use his own organic prime matter, then seal it with Beeswax OR a burning candle wax. Later in the book he talked about the fluid condenser. Now what doesn't make sense is: do I need to put cotton wad then my organic prime matter and seal it OR first cotton wad then fluid condenser and at the end organic prime mater then seal it? ---------------------Second Question---------------------------------------------------- In the same method the author said, if a magician is doing out of body projection and another human touch his body the magician can die immediately. And it's exactly same with the created entities. So my next question is: when you do the creation of the entity, you holding it in your left hand to giving it life through your right hand by using Akasha light and breathing on the entity naval area. Should the magician let the entity go for his mission right away then hide it some where OR first hide it then through imagination let him go whatever he's created for? ---------------------------Third Question------------------------------------------------ When the magician do a creation of an entity, he give him the mission, energy, talent (how to perfom the job), also he let the entity know the duration of his life and select the day, hour, minute and the method of the entity death; but how do you know that the entity will be back before his chosen time beacuse you can't touch the entity (clay figure) while his astral body is not in the clay body? (to avoid the magical "backlash") ------------------------------fourth question-------------------------------------------- When you take the life of the entity, you grab it in your left hand, and imagine the Akasha light in your right hand and project the Akasha light into the heart of the clay figure and feel his breath is ceasing, then through imagination evaporates it's mental body and then astral body. the Question here is; the magician give the entity his own mental power why should he/she give it to the universe?
I deeply appreciate for you time to answer my questions.
---------------------------------------------Note:---------------------------------------- Do not answer these question if you not familiar with this method OR if you are new to this kind of work OR using someother author book. I would like these questions to be answered by "Bym" OR somebody who is following "Initiation into Hermitics" and have expertise in the subject matter.