I didnt mean to instruct you, sorry if thats how it came across. I never once said you were wrong, although I do not believe in the maxim "Nothing is true, everything is permitted". As I do believe that some things are true/do work, even if these things only apply to you as an individual. Simply put, I believe in truth, not Truth. Nothing is universal, Kant can suck my ass. I never liked the way Chaotes clung to the above maxim, its a peice of dogma that I hear all the time, something the chaos current is supposed to transend. If this maxim Truly was the case then I could fire sigils by standing on my head and shouting happy birthday. This is not the case. Forgetting sigils, enchantments etc etc is PART of the process of magical acts. If this part of the theory had always been ommited then all people would be doing is staring at a funny pattern and thinking that that changes the universe in acordance with their will. Gnosis and the act of forgetting are true magical formulae, without these two elements then you are not working magic.