I sometimes practice driromancy (my standard is tarot, if anything at all). The word driromancy is an old fake; it probably wasn't practiced at all but found its way into obscure dictionaries some how. Basically, you cut yourself and allow the blood to drip and these drops are symbolically interpreted (like reading tea leaves, except with fresh blood instead of tea). The act of will involved in cutting is enough to focus the mind and the irrationality of the act (self-harm) does lots to distinguish it as an 'out of the ordinary' process.
Pricking the finger normally does the trick. So far as general divination goes, having a connection with the tools is all that matters (for those who work with them). My own thoughts connect blood very strongly with Life and Will (both personal and the driving 'will of the species'). It is a clear, representational way of asking for an answer.
Some people can read cow guts. (IMG:
style_emoticons/default/rofl_2.gif) (IMG:
This post has been edited by Alekhine: Jul 12 2005, 08:22 PM