I agree that there's really not much point in bonding oneself with a low energy entity as the ones I think that's being referred to. Most 'fiends' are really just energy sucking losers that couldn't cut it by themselves and are looking to get back into the game. Any entity that promises power is pretty much asking you to buy a beachouse in alabama. The knowledge and conversation with your holy guardian angel however is an admirable goal and certainly achieving it will bring a fulfilled life. I would however like to disagree with the idea of let's get out of the safety area. Now, in spirit I get the meaning. In my heart though I see it as somewhat careless. How many people have gone down the wrong path following the slogan 'c'mon, live a little.' Sure safety might be boring, but at least its dependable. Now of course to dare is a great idea and we should all lead our lives with courage... still I think there's very, very much to be said about being within oneself. In modern ficition you will also notice that the heros often don't leave their world of safety voluntarily, they are thrust into their role in the large majority of cases.
Mad skillz