say, "i call upon the archangels, yahalom kether shel Metatron, (the diamond crown of metatron) all overlighting divas and the masters of life to recalibrate my field to learn from a place of joy and connection rather than renunciation and separation. may the expert implant removal team remove any and all implants not related to nor holding vibrations of connection at this time. thank you. we ask that my field spin 33,000 times god light speed and disentegrate and remove any and all vibrations of separation not part of my divine body diva blue print. remove any and all spells curses and hexe and thought forms, patterns and entities not part of my divine essence and return these gently and lovingly in a whole an healed state to any and all parts of the universe in accord with the divine origin of their evolutionary state at this time. reintegrate and recallibrate, thank you! follow my spiritual cord to any and all master which i have searved, buddha, christ, etc. remove any cords from the crowns of any master and link my cord directly to the divine esssence. reinetrgrate and recalibrate, thank you!"
this is called command healing. these are the only world on which beings may breathe. and so also we must move the work from here, it is waitig but we must command it.
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This post has been edited by ankhofisis: Jul 13 2005, 04:18 AM
93 "Discover your unconditioned will (Thelema) and abide by that law of original source connection alone." (or, "Do what thou will shall be the whole of the law.")
93 "Holding the vibration of the original connected oneness in source (Agape) is the law of connection, by holding the vibration of the original connected oneness in source we embody the unconditioned will." (or, "Love is the law, love under will."
Your soul is identicle to god (Shiva,) perfect this very moment!