Simple ritual.You need:
Fresh cedar fronds.
A pair of shoes you have done majick in.[The act of centering,then grounding pulls the type of energy the dragons feed upon to your feet.]
A green candle is nice but not nesecary,it will flicker wildly with a dragon present!
Here's how it's done:
Stuff the cedar into your majick shoes and put them at the foot of your bed.
Sit on the bed and look at your shoes.
Think kind and friendly thoughts about dragons with INTENT of meeting and befriending all sincere and have NO THOUGHTS WHAT SO EVER of useing the relationship for personal gain or makeing a "pet" out of the dragon,these are fellow sentient beings and are to be respected.
To sweeten the "offering" a clay bowl full of natural spring or well water might help,the fresher the water,the better.never use rain or tap water and probably not bottled's not nescecary but My dragon suggested it just now. (IMG: