I've been playing guitar for about 2 and a half years. I also play keyboards and bass, I can hold down some basic drum beats, and I'll sing if you hold me at gunpoint.
I mainly use this DIY guitar a friend put together for me as a gift from random parts stuck in a gibson studio body that sounds lovely, and I also have an ibanez gio. I've also got this acoustic guitar someone bought from a marlboro(yes the cigarettes) catalogue and gave to me years ago, and it somehow sounds surprisingly full and rich.
I play pretty much anything ranging from mariachi to metal just to improve myself but I enjoy playing punk and alternative stuff probably the most. I listen to a lot of underground music and I try to play pretty much everything I hear. I really enjoy messing around with tunings, and particularly enjoy playing those older Dashboard Confessional songs that are in that really bizarre tuning (maybe i'm just out of the loop, but I've never seen it anywhere else).
I also like taking parts of songs that aren't on guitar and putting them on guitar. The Beverly Hills Cop theme comes to mind.
I've been in two bands prior to the projects i'm working on now, one of which being this sort of silly mariachi/blues/alternative thing (if you've ever heard of Against Me it sounds kind of like that) and an experimental Nine Inch Nails-ish thing with a guy who used to play drums in one of the bands I was in.