Last night was one of the most powerful LBRP I've ever done. Like usual, I lit 4 candles at each corner, strike the bell 3 times in the quarters walking widdershin to clear the air, return to my altar and open the temple with my khadga (tibetan ritual sword - my tools all tibetan (IMG:
style_emoticons/default/bigwink.gif)) I do the QC and LBRP + MP + close with LBRP.
But what so special last night? Well, I tried a higher and longer "vibrated" vibrations, I mean... really vibrate it like the sound waves really shook the walls, I was shaking inside vibrating it and an "odd" thing happened. The candles flames was strong and flickers like crazy (no wind/draft whatsoever) and I felt like in a Discothèque (IMG:
style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif) It also creates this great build up of energies around me and I felt my sweat started to break as if some of these energies accumulated within me. That only happened once when I was building up energies to create my servitor. It was wonderful!
How do you do your LBRP that felt powerful for you?