I usually simply place the sigil in a box in my basement and every few months I destroy all of them when their "mission" is complete. This discussion originally started among the locals when discussing what were the requirements of sigil work. We all agreed that forgetting was necessary but some couldn't decide if there had to be physical destruction of the sigil. I put forth the argument that burning the sigil was such a rare occurence(i normally don't light things on fire) that it actually sealed the idea in my mind and made it more difficult to forget. I made the argument that forgetting is an integral part of all magickal ritual and when I finish my LBRP I didn't toss my robe into the fireplace, but I do attempt to seperate my magickal personality created in the temple from my public life and mind. Obsession on magickal acts I feel leads to failure.
Don't worry about the thread moving off topic (heck it is the chaos section) (IMG:
Thanks for some ideas on what you like to do. The grab bag of sigils is definitely interesting.
This post has been edited by chaoscrowley37: Jul 23 2005, 05:23 PM