With a great many blessings frater! thank you so much for sharing this teaching. these three modes of creation, preservtion and destruction are found universally. this makes the whole ritual very alchemical as well. very appropriate for working with archangelic (planetary) forces.
i am looking for seven gods who embody ARARITA. it is a hebrew acronym as you probly know but also, i belive, more than that. does anyone know the principles which connect those three forces with this strange word? the entire GD system fits together so perfectly like a puzzle, don't you think? so there must be a connecting factor.
Blessings and peace!
Fr. Setna Ankh-sen-Isa
93 "Discover your unconditioned will (Thelema) and abide by that law of original source connection alone." (or, "Do what thou will shall be the whole of the law.")
93 "Holding the vibration of the original connected oneness in source (Agape) is the law of connection, by holding the vibration of the original connected oneness in source we embody the unconditioned will." (or, "Love is the law, love under will."
Your soul is identicle to god (Shiva,) perfect this very moment!