many many blessings and great peace, i hope this note finds everyone well and happy.
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reading these masterful advices is so wonderful and refreshing. forever teachers are saying to find one, just one then master it and go from there. i have yet to meet any adept who has done this.
i have found so much structure and strength working with ceremonial magick, Golden dawn form in particualr but very loosely. my path has been a multilane highway otherwise. i appreciate the daily work offered but there is an infinity of other things i would have missed.
the saying "all roads lead to mecca." are mirrored as attainment in pagan magick system as well.
93 "Discover your unconditioned will (Thelema) and abide by that law of original source connection alone." (or, "Do what thou will shall be the whole of the law.")
93 "Holding the vibration of the original connected oneness in source (Agape) is the law of connection, by holding the vibration of the original connected oneness in source we embody the unconditioned will." (or, "Love is the law, love under will."
Your soul is identicle to god (Shiva,) perfect this very moment!