Thinking about cross pollenation between plants the other day. And how a person can get so many different varities. I work seasonally at commercial plant farm during spring. They grow about 20 different varieties each of tomatoes, peppers, mellons, herbs, flowers, and more tomatoes. These plants are hybrids. Engineered to be bug and disease resistant and produced mad quantities of vegatables and big healthy brilliant flowers. These are commercial plants practically built to live healthy produce vegetables and die. Try to breed the plants that make seeds next season and the product comes out deformed and carrying strange features high lighting the features of the plants they were made from. I doubt many readers will be supriesed but this company is an affiliate of merical grow however thats spelled. The fertilizer and chemical hormones (FDA approoved cough..cough..) all come from Mericle grow. The dirt comes from canada (its a green house opperation).
But anyways the point about this, and also stemming from Mr Merlin's post about cattle, is that why wouldn't it be possible to cross breed and engineer human beings like were do plants and animals? For centuries the unseen cult could have been influencing major political discions that would lead to the cross breeding of human beings. Look at Rome. They litterally Romanized their conquered lands. Not only did they put their culture into many of these indiginous people's but their DNA as well. Now consider England. There have been several key invasions that lead to the creation of the English race. The English are a cross breed people, like many other races of people. But for this example the english colonized America. Then later on black people are mixed into the gene pool. So you have Europeans breeding with Africans into a cultural soceity largly remincant of Roman culture. And Rome was influenced by the Greeks and the Greeks the Hebrew and visa versa. Even the ancient Celtic culture influence the European races of man. So anyways looking back at the Americas we see a gathering of DNA. Initially Europeans are the focus variable introduced into a semi-controled environment. Then Africans and later more European migrations, then Chinese, and then Germans fleeing Nazi Germany, Russians fleeing Stalin and now hispanics, who mostly have been already cross bred with European peoples. So we end up with this mecca of genes and genetic proliferation occurs naturally as the people begin to mix. Spanglish is entirely new language. Language that will bind a people together how will form their own customs. These people I believe will mainly be of an African, European, Hispanic decent.
Now not only do we have the races of man mixing and binding into a new race we have hormones, vaccinations, an things that could very well ne producing an entirely different species. Granted the actual result of this could take thousands of years perhaps are technology, which could be alien in orgin, could reduce the amount of time needed to genetically engineer a new species to just a few centuries and the first generations of this new race are born. A tailored race for an unknown purpose. But the Americas are not the only area being influenced like this. We see Islam being gradually mixed into Europe. Which is fairly logical considering the two peoples are so close to together. But on top of this with the consolidation of a unified European Union the peoples of Europe will start to cross breed as well. Perhaps within the next century we'll see the formation of a second language. Then we have the peoples of the far east and oceania. Following the same cross breeding paterns as the rest of the globe and quite possibly being manipulated, even unwittining (the unseen cult may really not know what they're doing).
In africa we see an epidemic. Almost as though the race were being wipped out. Imagine if HIV and Aids were actually man made viruses and the people in Africa were being targeted for extermination. Or perhaps a bottle neck in their gene pool, but a race immune to aids and other diseases (perhpas found on other worlds) to mix with the other groups of man. I've heard of a second HIV strain that is suppose to be even more resiliant and communicable than the first. Almost like the orginal Homo-sapiens species is dying off or being altered to be mixed into a thrid generation of humanity. And the rest of the world is actually in the final generations of man becomming Homo-Superior, or the next generation of the human species. But this new breed of man will come in several forms. Like mentioned above the mixed races in the Americas, Europe/Mid-east, the far east and Oceania so homo-superior will come in several sub-species. Each with the potential of follwing their own genetic trends to become separate huminid species. Or perhaps even mix to form the third generation of humanity. All within the span of 2000 years.
Then again if time travel were possible then it could take much longer, to us. But to the possible beings that hold such technology the end result could already be pre-determined or at least they are manipulating us to a certain end.
But whats truely scary to me is the unquestioning massing. Its almost like soceity was made to have mass media, shopping centers, schools and other places that make mankind dependent on the establishment, or rulling agency for survival. Kinda like how we round of cattle people participate in soceity without question to what is rulling them and keeping everything running. Aliens to manipulate our politicians through the unseen cult and an AI entity that exists through the teraquads of data banks and processors to control our worlds electronics, like a light switch. Imagine if tommarow there was no electricity. Pandamonium. Chaos. Anarchy. The collapse of civilization as we know it. All because of this one thing that keeps everything else afloat- electricity. Perhaps this will also factor into the creation of later generations of man. The collapse of civilization. The death of several billion people so that only the strongest genes of the above mentioned mixed breeds survive and the survivors are the ones who re-build civilization as a new species of man.
And behold the genetic tailoring of the human race.
You know in actuallity I would not argue that a higher life form would be suited to make our species 'better', or more evolved. But if such a noble intention were true then why the secrecy? OR is it so important, assuming aliens/inter-dimentionals are manipulating our race, to control our species for the final result? I just think that if aliens are manipulating are race they could do it publically and with willing participants. I mean who doesn't want genetic augmentations? To be the best of the breed? But if aliens are responsible or trading with a group of people who are the ones responsible the secrecy makes me think the intentions of such beings is not good.
Even if the things I mention above are not true, ultimately it is us who are the architechs of our future. But the masses should wake up, persue greater awareness and involvement in our societies and not let the few dominate. Like shepards do over sheep.