By easier do you mean smaller words or clarification of what is said? I know the language is sort of confusing as it is designed not to speak to the conscious mind but to other aspects of your psyche. I don't know how to simplify the words without making it really long and then it loses its momentum. Let me try to explain the meanings for you. I have given comment upon each of the lines as indicated by the numbersl Let me know if this is sufficient.
Original Text-
1. I activate the grid around my divine body diva blue print 2. and ask that the senses of the physical, mental, emotional, and etheric be transferred in divine geometrical sequence 3. into the body of light created by the homeostatic nucleus of even perceptive crystalloid vibratory awareness 4. into the form of bodily awareness 5. in the profusion of external magnetization. 6. We activate and calibrate the frequency 7. of the magnetic field of the external body of light 8. to resonate with my core essence becoming a vessel of it."
Point by point explanation-
1. I activate the sacred chamber of protecting light which sustains the essence of my being held in the bio-program of this current DNA structure which was brought by my soul when I entered this universe and world system. 2. the senses or levels of conscious and subconscious awareness on all the different levels on which I exist, which are the physical body, the mental or logical and reasonable state, the emotional or bio-responsive state, and that fine energy which animates and permeates the body, I ask to transfer in the appropriate order which will keep them intact and allow them to function in a proper manner into 3. the ball of light that was formed by being aware and thoughtful while directing my own energy which I trust, having been formed and commanded to remain tangible has become a separate bio field, into which this awareness can be transferred. 4. upon transfer, the energetic DNA of the conscious awareness force forms the energy bubble into that form which is familiar to it as a useful vessel, in this case the memory of the energy usually forms the shape of a human body. 5. the aware force of consciousness is maintained by the same magnetic principles which keep us stuck to the earth (it may be argued by certain schools that it is the mind and not matter which keeps us to the earth, this argument supports this module even better) 6. “We” (speaking as the multi-consciousness from the place of the evolved ego, this can be imagined as the self as a Buddha, Ascended Master, etc. from millions of years in the future) activate and set into proper order by means which may not be understood by the mind at this state of evolution, hold this energy into place 7. as a body of light and vessel for the awareness which otherwise would be imagined to belong to the physical body 8. by adjusting the resonation of the physical body to the frequency of the body of light I can switch to either vessel like switching the channel on a radio, or a TV signal which is broadcast from one place but can appear on many screens at once. In this manner that point of consciousness which usually pretends that it is stuck in only the physical body can travel in the exterior vessel created for it. <End>
I hope this information is useful to you in some manner. I know the wording is quite confusing. It is designed to speak to the energy directly and work on a super-conscious level, that is why it incorporates words and concepts not usually used in everyday being. Do not think of the meanings of the phrases too much while practicing the exercise as this process distracts the energy flow. It is okay to focus on the words as they are spoken however as the amount of focus for this brings the mind to the proper level of in the moment focus for energy manipulation.
93 "Discover your unconditioned will (Thelema) and abide by that law of original source connection alone." (or, "Do what thou will shall be the whole of the law.")
93 "Holding the vibration of the original connected oneness in source (Agape) is the law of connection, by holding the vibration of the original connected oneness in source we embody the unconditioned will." (or, "Love is the law, love under will."
Your soul is identicle to god (Shiva,) perfect this very moment!