Is it just me, or did anyone else not notice the string of natural occurances? It's not just hurricanes, but tsunami's, earthquakes, volcanoes waking up, etc.
I never paid much attention to it until one day I was listening to the news back in my home town, and lo and behold, three of the "dormant" volcanoes in the city suddenly started rumbling. This was most likely due to Mt. St Helen's starting her business up, since the city was part of the "Ring of Fire". That same city suffered two summers ago with massive forest fires in the surrounding moutains that enveloped the city. Fire broke out again this year, because the roots from some trees still smoldered...almost two years later! The same thing happened last year with the
My birth province has been in a draught for the past 8 years. At Christmas, we get to celebrate a "Black" one. When I was little, we used to have snow banks that reached the top of the house. My brother and I would friggen make two story snow houses! The wheat used to be almost 3-4 feet tall. Now we're lucky if it gets to a foot, hell, even survives. This year it was freezing and windy. My mom informed me that it finally started getting semi warm near the end of July. Considering that Saskatchewan is hella hot in the summer, and hella cold in the winter...people are wondering what the hell is going on?
And this in only in Canada. I won't even begin on the now noticeable decline with the rest of the world, short of what is now blantently obviouse.
People JUST started noticing this crap....the earth has to go to extremes for us dumbasses (pardon) to realize that "OH! We're screwin the place up!". This decline has been going on for years, it was subtle at first, now it's BAM! IN YOUR FACE! stuff. It's Global Warming. There have been threats about GW for years and years....but lo and behold, with all those threats, we STILL don't see that we're already friggen in it.
The currents in the oceans effect our weather patterns, they've usually been really consistent with that. Hmm...did anyone hear that the currents are no longer consistent? They've been going off course for about 10 years..slowly, yes....but enough to mess everything up.
The earth is purging, and I say Hell Yeah! It's about time! I may be all "cold hearted" about it, but I'm fiercly protective of nature, and I get wicked pissed off at people who abuse it and don't give to sh**s about it. I do what I can to save, I recycle, I take the bus, I don't litter, I conserve energy, etc....I also understand that we're on our last leg, and it's pretty much end all here. We've gone too far, and people can set up greenhouses to try and bring back endangered plants, or reserves to protect endangered animals that WE KILLED OFF....but it won't do a lick of good. We set our own destruction...plain and simple.
And that's only natural occurances...look at the rest. Terrorism, Bush, nuclear weapons (which where SUCH a good idea!), greed.