IMO, it's dangerous. You cannot tell me every person out there who decides to use their blood is going to know where, and how deep to cut. To sterilize the equipment, to bandage it properlly, etc etc.
Then there is the "Look at me! I use my blood because it's cool!" syndrome.
Then there is the people that find out and decide "Crap, this person needs some serious help" and throws them into a shrinks office.
Then there is the already stereo-typical responses that will only serve to give more hatred for people who aren't mainstream religious goers.
Then there is the thought "Your saliva, hair, and nails all contain the same DNA, and are much easier to access".
But then you have the female moon blood, which isn't dangerous by any means, and actually considered to be one of the most powerful substances. I've used it for Witch's Bottles, but I have NEVER cut myself on purpose for magick.
I come from a school of thought where the mind is the most powerful tool, and you don't need any of that other junk to get what you set out for. To me, blood magick as a whole regardless of moon blood or not, is completely ridiculous and overrated. But that is MY opinion.