Don't pity us too much. Mental illness comes in two types nowadays. Those who have had tragedy or abuse in their life that breaks their mind or spirit and those(like me) who have been diagnosed with a chemical imbalance of nurotransmitters in their brain. Really its no different than if you have an insulin imbalance or a vitamin deficency, just a medical condition and nothing to pity. We learn to deal. For a long time i did cut my arms or add piercings to alleviate my depression(probably why i have such a high pain tolerance now) but it wasn't a cry for help or anything so melodramatic. i just found that the endorphins caused by the pain totally over rode the lack of serratonin in my brain, in effect, poor mans antidepressives, restoring the balance of chemicals. (IMG:
style_emoticons/default/33.gif) i have since learned to work through the worst bouts of depression(i have mild to moderate depression almost every day of my life) without the endorphins but it took alot of work and many really bad days since i could not thake the quick way out. i geuss what i am trying to say is, understanding is more helpful than pity. You probably know many people with the dreaded "Mental illness" lable slapped on them who you would never be able to tell if they didn't tell you. Thanks for listening! (IMG: