Yeah, the ozone depletion disgusts me too, on a physical level mostly, what I would give to breathe fresh air no matter where I go.
I see the end of the world more as a metaphor and figurative stance than anything literal. Revelations is a brilliant example of what can happen when people start taking things too litterally though I suppose the end might happen that way (IMG:
Though the hurricane is transient it's interesting to note that all it's on the heels of the large tsunami, which in turn on the heels of a rather large earthquake in china that killed hundreds (Maybe the earthquake came in between). I don't believe in coincidence, more often than not coincidence is a word the average person uses to forget about the magic in the world. Of course that these are all happening at once doesn't entail the end of the world in my opinion, but perhaps its a trend and one that may grow.
I for one am never pleased to see the loss of life no matter how small a quantity of the population that may be. If disasters do keep striking the toll will only increase, though its not appealing to myself, it's not something I fear.
There are actually many ways the earth could kill off nearly everyone or everyone if it so deemed. Spinning out of orbit would basically destroy every human, a total polarity and shift into another ice age would most definitely not be good, and that's just a couple of possibilites. If the powers that be abandoned this earth many different things destructive possibilites could occur.
Now is december 21, or 22nd (not twelfth) 2012 a doomsday for earth? It's a rhetorical question, and one that I doubt, but a coincidence like such as a date is not something I am willing to ignore. It would most definitely be a good thing if the world no longer used gasoline by that date but who knows how deep the wells of oil are, just because the price is up doesn't mean it's almost gone. Will humankind still be polluting the world with nuclear waste by 2012? More than likely yes, I'm not attempting to be a scare monger of course, but I think that's it's foolhardy for governments to ignore the earth and pretend humanity is living on it's own. We ain't humankind is living on earth.
This post has been edited by Bb3: Sep 18 2005, 05:33 AM