The idea of democracy is a good one, and normally the system would work, were it not for corruption, bribary and greed. In theory the goverment is a small representation of the entire population, making decisions on behalf of the population. Only because it is easyer to govern a nation of millions this way.
These days the goverment seems to only represent the big corporations and themselves. The little man is often overlooked. This is the way almost everywhere. but especially in amerika, where a representative of the common folk does not have the funding for the media war required to run for president. A sad example of a system gone bad, there is no way for a wise non-capitalistic (wo)man to become president.
People do not even realise it, the problem has emerged so silently that most people are not aware of it. Most people view the goverment as their boss, someone they have to obey without asking why.
In the end these things are not realy important. If the basic necesitys are met, like food and housing, paradise can be found inside your own hearth. True enlightened men rarely are whealthy, look at gandhi, or the buddha who renounced his own princehood, christ, various monks... Life is harmonious werever people look into their hearths and operate on a basis of friendship and tolerance. Even in extremely poor countrys this happyness can be found. Everywhere were people are kind and love each other life IS utopia, sadly this is rarely the case.
Greed and materialism are the seeds of the ego that always grow into unhappines. It is never enough, the grass always seems greener on the other side for these poor fools. No system can prevent this, people have to want to search inside themselves for a deeper meaning to life.
A good system allows people to do this searching in a fairly stable environment, and for me my goverment does a rather good job, i cannot complain, yet...
In LVX, Frater A.V.I.A.F.