Some posting has occured whilst I was composing a response...
I took time to read Robert Bruces article on his sword. You must admit that if you had originally posted his link then the response given initially might have been less tense.
I have heard of a number of astral 'police' like Orders that are in existance. The Aurum Solis order has told of them as well as Dion Fortune (that's d-i-o-n, not with an e as Mr. Bruce says)... her name was Violet Firth. Members of these Orders maintain a strict vigilance and don't engage in competition with one another. The Sword in question is likened after the sword one makes to use in command of demonic entities. I'm fairly certain that these Swords cannot be used by anyone other than the person they are intended for as their spiritual vibration doesn't mesh with demonics. These Swords are not bestowed upon just anybody. (IMHO!) (IMG: