I think we are confusing what I am saying. The full evocation will allow the entity to be phyically present. Yet your physical body is still in the same location. I do not beleive that the magician himself "physically" enters another plane completely.
No, I am not confused about what you said. There has been discussion about whether or not demonic (or other) entities possess a physical body. In their own 'world'/dimension do these entities have a physical form? I think that
some do! If these entities can move from place/dimension to another than why not us? I think that it was written that any number of saints (etc) were
physically transported to either 'hell' or 'heaven'...
What it boils down to in this thread is the belief of what can/does transpire during evocation. I'm fairly positive that we can be 'summoned' with evocation as any other entity is.
This is sliding off-topic due to my expounding on my illustration.
Cloud Hex, would you care to elaborate on your idea with more detail?