buy some books on these things if you want to help. Educate yourself!!!!!!!
be calm about it, for now, just prepare yourself.
first say her all is fine, keep reasuring her the drug will help her. Reasure her that things will be fine. Help her to calm down. Help her establish a peacefull relationship with her parents, fighting them makes things harder for both of you. Why would you fight a fight you cannot win, ... yet.
Beware! It 'could' even be that it is you that is making her unhappy, if you mess with her head by saying it is a bad drug and such, and how her parents are fools, then the suicidal tendancies can even be your fault.
I am not saying that is the case, ask yourself that! Analyse, see clearly without attachement. Let go of your emotions and analyse the situation clearly.
Ask her to educate herself about it, convince her to study about the nature of her problems. Do not say what you think, based solely on your limited and probably false knowledge. Get some REAL knowledge about these things. Share real knowledge, not false knowledge. You are not as wise as you think you are, humility is a good thing.
Be aware of your limitations in these matters, you cannot fight her parents on this, you have no grounds for that. Do all you can do and realise that you cannot be blamed for the rest, you did your best.
I understand that this must be painfull for you, to see these things happening that you cannot control. You feel powerless, and that is not a nice feeling, but its not about you, its about her.
Don't rely on some info you got on a forum. people could give you wrong advice. Study for yourself these matters, so that you may see what this drug is all about. And please, do not solely depend on the internet for this, really BUY A GOOD BOOK about it, or more books, and STUDY it. The more you know about these things, the more you can help her.
In the case she does have a bad doctor, get a second opinion on it. Get some help from a person that does have some authority. We have places here in belgium where kids with problems can go to, for help. You guys probably have such a facility in your school or neighborhood also.
Remember that IT IS POSSIBLE for you to do more harm than good. be certain that you don't do that.
I may have been harsh at times. But i don't know you, and i am just showing you every possibility. Remember, it would not be the first time that a person wanting to help did more harm than good. It would be sad to see you walk that path, and you would not even know it until it is to late.
First detach, release your emotions, then analyse, then come to conclusions. I am talking about pure cold detached analysis. To see what truly would be best.
Best of luck, i really wish you well.
In LVX, Frater A.V.I.A.F.