I find al this ceremonial theory rather interesting. The tree of life can be seen in so many ways, the sephiroth can even be used as tools to balance yourself, the left pillar and right pillar can be seen as strings to be used to balance yourself on the centre pillar.
Nero claimed that the centre pillar is white magick, this is not so i think. The wise centre pillar is in fact the position of grey magick, the gray path, the middle path. The pillar of severety is the path of the 'dark' wizard, the 'evil' one if you will. However, the pillar of mercy is the other extreme, the path of the monk, the renunciate. Both paths can provide strenght and insight, both are valid paths to follow, however the pillar of mercy is morally acceptable in this society and the pillar of severety is not. And both are far to extreme to be true acceptable paths for the true will.
Magick is not about moral feelings and laws. That is why the wise wizard or witch follows the middle path.
This gray path is not closely bordered, grey goes from black to white in many gradations. These make the borderline with black and wite almost invisible. This grey zone is very wide and it is not easily understood by others, or even yourself. If you find yourself leaning towards one side you should try to steer yourself back into the middle.
But all this goes against my own view on life. All this defining and outlining the rules makes me so very tired. Why can't we just be ourselves, the true self does not need steering towards some defined middle, only the ego does. So very tiring, i am going to bed now.
In LVX, Frater A.V.I.A.F.