Argh... ok, I met up with my friend (Kitten) yesterday, and she and I have only just parted about 2 hours ago (so we spent literally, the afternoon, night, morning, afternoon and evening together).
This is the rundown of what I've discovered:
1) Her voices DO have objective form. The one I banished before, along with another one of her tormentors now reside within myself with my Beast (and it feels like I have a coil of poison within me that I could spit at people if need be... but I REALLY don't want to put that to the test). That other one (who seems to be the spirit of a murderess she once knew) also only left Kitten on the condition that she had control of ALL my dreams - and even that deal took a hell of a lot of work. Similarly, I physically found her one good spirit that got left for dead by the murderess during the longwinded process of last night's exorcism, so I could return it to Kitten. I could sense its presence (and I thanked God over and over and over that it was that simple).
2) She has little, to no barriers against spirits. After the exorcism process she eventually wound up staying at my house... in my room... which I believe I've previously stated has astral static like nothing else (I really should have remembered before I brought her there, but anyway). She got "visited" by several different beings... in order, a "mind virus" (whom I REALLY need to keep track of since it's dangerous as all hell - ask me about it later), an Imp, two... knowledge seeking spirits (who now reside in myself as well), a part of The Darkness (I dunno if you've experienced this one - but it's sort of like the spirit of night?.. but that one ALSO resides in myself), a violent spirit who "has to make people fear it so that way it doesn't have to fear", and my Beast itself.
Effectively, she's an old-style medium. She sees spirits, and spirits can enter her to talk to her, influence her, or talk through her.
As to the medication, she's getting all the assistance she's able to, but there's nothing that can really be done about paying for it. The government here is shocking in that respect - yeah, register for medicare and it'll pay for most of it, but it's still outside her price range (she's barely able to cover her rent)... and I don't think she can afford to see a psychiatrist to keep getting prescribed it anyway.
Anywho, currently Kitten has three spirits in her - Charlie (her one good spirit I mentioned before), Impsh (the Imp) and a third one I don't know, and am working on learning more about. I'm somewhat worse off, since I have 5 different spirits in me, not including the Beast, 2 of which are blatantly evil and 3 of which cannot be classified as "good" or "bad".
Also something interesting to note - all of the spirits from my room referred to me as "Zahaqiel" and not "Alex"... which is interesting because it's how I refer to myself mentally. One even went so far as to say I was lying when I said my name was Alex.
The value of an individual is not numerically assignable. Given the individual's infinite capacity to affect change (for better or for worse), it follows that their value is just as infinite. Logically then, not only are all individuals of equal value, but all possible combinations and groupings of individuals are of equal value, and finally, no matter an individual's past actions, their capacity to affect positive change is not diminished.
The value of the individual is sacrosanct, but actions must be directed in an effort to affect positive change.