it's possible to summon anything, as far as you want. The truth behind those kinds of evocations of spirits and creatures that derive from fantasy, literature or other dementions, (For ex. astral plane: unicorns, fairies, dragons) is that you call the archetypical existance of those creatures. What i mean is that as soon as someone can imagine something (Think for ex. the story of fairygodmother) it can exist in the form of thoughtform. The more thoughts you put on that subject or spirit or archetype the more powerful it becomes. It will not be exact evocation similar with ceremonial magick, but through meditation, symbols, pictures, you can achive a kind of connection.
You can even create your own ''Gods'' by the above theory: Choose the qualities you want them to have, the elements that can be linked, and other kind of stuff: For ex. If you want Someone that gives you mental power and communication can be under the element of air, hold a feather and even be son of Hermes or Mercury! Magick is all about thinking
the path of excess leads to the tower of wisdom