1. No flaming! Be polite or else. It is ok to disagree with someone and have different views but it is NOT ok to call them names or trash their beliefs. Any violation will result in the post being modified or removed. Continued violation will result in suspension and/or banning.
2. Be topical! Keep all your topics in the correct forums. When posting new topic please be specific and detailed. Single word or single sentence posts that are off topic and do not further the discussion or only derail the thread will be removed. Continued violation will result in suspension and/or banning.
3. Spell begging is not allowed and only reserved for members with at least 30 posts or more. Any violation will result in the post being modified or removed. Continued violation will result in suspension and/or banning.
4. Any and all spammers will be banned on sight. This includes PM's.
5. Users may not argue a moderators decision publicly. Any and all complaints directed at a moderator must first address the moderator in question via PM. If the problem can not be resolved, then the moderator and user must send their positions to the forum admins. The forum admins will make or change any and/or all final decisions.
6. Signatures greater than 600x100 pixels will be removed. This includes large lines of texts.
7. This is an occult website for people who take their art seriously. Any members who post pretend material and out in out lies about god like powers and dealing 20X damage fireballs in an effort to gather attention, play games, or any other sad purpose will will result in the post being modified or removed. Continued violation will result in suspension and/or banning.
8. We here at Sacred-Magick are attempting to create an atmosphere for like minded people to come and discuss esoteric and occult subjects in harmony, cooperation, and with free exchange of ideas. Please maintain this atmosphere with following the Golden Rule. We attempt to stick to a three strikes and your out policy with violation of the rules. Although a severe enough violation can possibly lead in immediate suspension and/or banning.