Dude.. this is a funny world it truly is. My best friend has fibro, my new girlfriend and a girl i hope to be my girlfriend also have it. Massage alone as so far proved inadequate but i've only had a couple of try's. I've recently decided to get off my arse an learn to heal this pesky illness (before reading this, a few days ago lol), your post is very informative, thank you. I don't have much in the way of ideal working conditions but i've got a lot of nice stones, not sure how to tackle all this, i'm relatively inexperienced.. I was kinda hoping one session would do it.. a couple since i'm relatively unpracticed.. I see i might have to keep it up for a while now.
Is it worth going to get reiki attuned? i made a contact at a festival in august so i could give it a go. What kind of talisman/stone enchantment you got going? I've attempted a healing stone before but it was ages ago an not really appropriate for this. Do you find pain killers and anti-depressants in the patient effect your work at all?
It's an odd but disturbing story actually.. My step father was coming down with the flu but really couldn't afford to get time off work so i enchanted this stone to kind of 'copy everyone else's immune system' among other things. It worked, he was fine the next day but absolutely everyone in my place of work (McDonnalds) came down with serious flu the same day. Lots of snotty burgers! I panicked and buried the thing under a compost heap. I was a bit mad at the time.
I'm sure that kind of stuff counts for 'real stuff happening', it certainly seems more important than freezing shit with my mind atm, i've seen enough 'real stuff'.. at the end of the day it's the useful subtler things that need focus, their really arn't many times in a mans life when fireballs are gona be of any real use so it's not that surprising people arn't developing these abilitys. I've spent most of my youth learning to be terrifying only to realize it's not much use, healing is definitely the way forward!
This post has been edited by Draw: Oct 8 2012, 05:24 PM