You hear about people fleeing from ghosts. But you don't hear much about ghosts fleeing from people. At least I haven't.
But just recently, I suddenly got that sensation that someone was staring at me from behind. I turned around, saw nothing out of the ordinary, but the sensation remained. This acts as a type of radar for spiritual entities, but is blind to weaker energy signatures (the best description for that feeling). I knew something was there, because, despite not being able to see it, I could feel it and track its location.
As soon as I calmly acknowledged its presence, it slowly shifted toward the wall. As I continued to track it, it smoothly flowed halfway between the wall and the other side as if it didn't even notice the wall. It was moving in an odd direction, and I'm not so sure it was following the 3 dimensions of altitude, depth and width that we're all so familiar with. Or that could be a confusion caused by the entity breaking out of my range of detection, which unfortunately is very short range.
I wonder what it could have wanted...
Stand strong for what's true in your heart, your mind and your soul. Be different. Be true. Be real.