I'm fairly new to working magic, though I do have some knowledge of Finnish and Scottish folklore. Unfortunately, resources about Finnish folk magic are rare--in English, a least. I have found some free ebooks available through Google books, namely Suomen Kansan Muinaisia Loitsurunoja (in Finnish, by Elias Lonnrot) and its partial English translation in The Pre- and Proto-Historic Finns with The Magic Songs of the West Finns, Vol. I and II. Also I have found an online article called "Finnish Paganism" (in English, by Anssi Alhonen) referring briefly to Finnish wizards called tietäjä. (I have links to them in Neophyte Hall under "Which Path Suits Me Best?".). I have also found the "Carmina Gadelica," which is a Gaelic/English collection of Scottish Highland hymn-charms.
Do you know of any online or printed resources that specifically describe HOW a Finnish tietäjä and a Scottish folk witch practice magic? And also any that describe in detail their herbalist/magical methods and recipes for healing and for spells? I can't find any resources that discuss these things.
I'm a bit leery about the book Finnish Magic: A Nation of Wizards, A World of Spirits (by Robert Nelson) as it seems to have a bad reputation amongst Finns.
Also, I'd prefer to read about non-Wiccan-influenced descriptions of Finnish and Scottish folk magic.
Any ideas?
Thanks for yout help!