Hey Everyone! So, this year has been very trying. As I mentioned elsewhere, I'm closing shop here in Athens and moving to Portland and search of a change of geography and the accompanying changes and transformations that brings.
I'm able to save some money, but will continue to run the business until the end of August. So I have between now and then to save the money I need to travel. Part of that I'm hoping to accomplish through crowdfunding via gofundme.com.
If you are so inclined, I would very much appreciate the help, either by donating a couple of bucks to the fund, or just by sharing the page to your facebook, twitter, etc.
The page is here: -http://www.gofundme.com/3033io- (copy and paste, no live links off site when we can help it).
There's nothing that I can offer in return at this very moment. Only my pledge that in the future if I am able to return the kindness, I will do everything in my power to do so.
The world is complicated - that which makes it up is elegantly simplistic, but infinitely versatile.