Hey, well after reading a few of these posts and stuff it kind of seems that the way I create thoughtforms (or think that i am creating them, hey who REALLY knows?) is i just basically gather energy into a large sphere infront of me and...well... just mould it really. Into whatever shape i want, then once i have the outside appearence done i move to the inside and just start making all the little energy arteries and stuff (I kind of model it after my own energy body then slightly warp it to compensate for the form i choose the thoughtform to have), then once i do that, i move onto creating the chakras. Now here is the interesting bit, you have no make an energy that is self perpetuating to a point but also something that feeds of off...well a source of energy. So i link the mould to the universal energy centre (or maybe it's just the universe it'self who knows?) and fill up the spaces with the energy gleaned from the source and mould it and command it to stay in that sphere. Once all the chakras have been formed and linked and all the energy is flowing nicely i will just give it a set of commands to follow (works quite nicely) or give it a complete and independant conscience (only did this once with amazing results).
So yeah thats my personal way of creating an entirly new spiritual entity, please feel free to tell me if im crazy or to add your own personal or preffered way of doing things.