By Luc Bourgalt
I've been waiting months for it too arrive from Amazon. I guess I should have ordered it used. I wasn't dissapoined though as the book gives some very nice ideas on what to do with crystals. First off Bourgalt starts out with purification, a must chapter obviously. According to him the only labortory tested and proved way of clearing a crystal is water and sea salt. Iodizing salt actually has a negative affect upon the crystal. When he says lab tested he's aluding to the positive and negative ionization created by the water when it interacts with the crystal. His formula is a quarter teaspoon of sea salt per liter of water. Bourgalt also elaborates on when and how often to cleanse crystals as well as on their proper storage.
The next chapter details crystals and their various properties. Very short and sweet for most of the stones, though occasionally he will talk a bit more about certain ones. Here is Bourgalt on crystals balls: Work with crystal balls is reservedfor those more advanced in the teaching of crystal therapy and is beyond hte scope of this book. However, I can provide a few indications which may be useful for those who already have a ball or would like to acquire one. Incidenttally, one needs to purify it ore often than other crystals. Sleeping wiht a crystal ball is recommended, but you should sleep with it for six months and ayear before working iwth it. It is senough just to be with it, live with it, have it as a friend, sleep wiht it and energise it frequently in the appropriate sources of water. This is the best way of starting work with crystal balls. Do not attempt to crystal gaze for long periods of time as that can be bad for the eyes. Crystalline balls directly stimulate the optic nerve.
The next chapters he deal with developing sensitivy of crystals and learning how to harness and program them to do your bidding. He says that's its important for each crystal to be energized with a purpose though one could energize a crystal for four or five purposes. He describe how one might use colors and planetary energies as ways of programming a crystal.
The finishing chapters conclude with healing techniques and the preparation of said techniques. There's not a whole slew of techniques but the ones that he has written I find to be very nice. For instance he says praying can do phenomenol things. So Learn to pray then after awhile put a crystal in your hands point toward you and begin to pray as a way of augmenting your healing energy.
Overall I found this book to be pretty good and I hope that Bourgalt writes some follow up things as their are a few topics he eludes to that could take up other books. I've found that american indian mysticism is hardly available in any book format and I can only hope others will write more. I give this book 3 and a half out of four stars since I believe it to be better than most crystal books out there.
Mad skillz